Noise Impact Assessment
Scenic Acoustic and Vibration Engineering Ltd (SAVE) can provide a Noise Impact Assessment from either the complainant’s perspective, or from the perspective of the noise emitter when planning conditions for the developer have to be fulfilled.
The subjective nature of noise means that there is not a simple relationship between noise levels and the impact on those affected. The Noise Impact will depend on how various factors combine in any particular situation.
These factors include:
- the source and absolute level of the noise together with the time of day it occurs. Some types and level of noise will cause a greater adverse effect at night than if they occurred during the day – this is because people tend to be more sensitive to noise at night as they are trying to sleep. The adverse effect can also be greater simply because there is less background noise at night;
- for a new noise making source, how the noise from it relates to the existing sound environment;
- for non-continuous sources of noise, the number of noise events, and the frequency and pattern of occurrence of the noise;
- the spectral content of the noise (i.e. whether or not the noise contains particular high or low frequency content) and the general character of the noise (i.e. whether or not the noise contains particular tonal characteristics or other particular features), and;
- the local arrangement of buildings, surfaces and green infrastructure, and the extent to which it reflects or absorbs noise.
Other specific factors which may need to be consider include:
- the cumulative impacts of more than one source of noise.
- whether any adverse internal effects can be completely removed by closing windows and, in the case of new residential development, if the proposed mitigation relies on windows being kept closed most of the time (and the effect this may have on living conditions). In both cases a suitable alternative means of ventilation is likely to be necessary. Ventilation noise assessments are conducted in the same way as all M&E systems within the building.
- In cases where existing noise sensitive locations already experience high noise levels, a development that is expected to cause even a small increase in the overall noise level may result in a significant adverse effect occurring even though little to no change in behaviour would be likely to occur.
- Noise Action Plans (where these exist), and, in particular the Important Areas identified through the process associated with the Environmental Noise Directive and corresponding regulations should be taken into account. Defra’s website has information on Noise Action Plans and Important Areas. Local authority environmental health departments will also be able to provide information about Important Areas.
- the effect of noise on wildlife. Noise can adversely affect wildlife and ecosystems. Particular consideration needs to be given to the potential effects of noisy development on international, national and locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity;
- where external amenity spaces are an intrinsic part of the overall design, the acoustic environment of those spaces should be considered so that they can be enjoyed as intended.
- some commercial developments including restaurants, hot food takeaways, night clubs and public houses can have particular impacts, not least because activities are often at their peak in the evening and late at night. Local planning authorities will wish to bear in mind not only the noise that is generated within the premises but also the noise that may be made by customers in the vicinity.
When proposed developments could include activities that would be covered by the licensing regime, local planning authorities will need to consider whether the potential for adverse noise impacts will be addressed through licensing controls (including licence conditions). Local planning authorities should not however presume that licence conditions will provide for noise management in all instances and should liaise with the licensing authority.