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Scenic Acoustic and Vibration Engineering Ltd (SAVE) offer an extensive range of acoustics and noise control services.

Acoustics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids including topics such as vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound. The application of acoustics is present in almost all aspects of modern society with the most obvious being the audio and noise control industries.

  • Architectural and Building Acoustics – the behaviour of Sound in Buildings and on building elements. Primarily concerned with the sound reduction of building elements and the reverberation time and sound absorption within the internal rooms and spaces to ensure that the desired noise climate is achieved. BS8233 is generally used for the design of buildings and internal spaces, although the Guidance in World Health Organisation’s WHO (Noise) Guidance document also provides complimentary guidance for acceptable noise levels for internal and external spaces.
  • Environmental Noise – is concerned with noise and vibration caused by railways, road traffic, aircraft, industrial equipment and recreational activities. The main aim of these studies is to control noise in the environment and to reduce levels of environmental noise and vibration.
  • Noise Impact Assessment – of the impact of a noise source on the existing residual and background noise climates. The noise source can be any noise generating activity or process and include rail and traffic noise, entertainment noise, neighbourhood noise nuisance, industrial noise, and aircraft noise impact assessments.
  • Nuisance Noise – is community noise which is an unwanted sound by the observer. Whether it is indoors or outdoors, it is caused by sources you cannot control and includes noise generated by neighbours, dogs, traffic, aircraft, industry, or by entertainment venues.
  • Planning Guidance – Noise and Vibration – impact Assessments in accordance with planning requirements and National Planning Policy Framework, and Noise Policy (England), and European Environmental Noise Directive.
  • M&E Noise and Vibration – mechanical and electrical plant equipment in plant rooms and on roof tops can induce structure borne, airborne noise and vibration into the building structure and can travel freely throughout the building to be radiated into other rooms and spaces within the building.
  • Entertainment Noise – assessment of noise generated by entertainment venues and events. They include music, Public Address Systems, Loud Speakers, Playing musical instruments, singing, audience noise, and noise from using the outside amenities such as smoking shelters, and also includes noise from clientele arriving and leaving the venue.
  • Traffic Noise Impact Assessment – new roads are designed in accordance with the Calculation of Traffic Noise (CRTN). The road is broken into Segments which are individually assessed to calculate the basic noise level of the road. Properties which meet the three prescribed conditions can claim compensation under the Noise Insulation Regulations.
  • Speed bump annoyance (vibration and noise for residential dwellings) – a monitored and recorded noise and vibration survey is performed and the results are compared to the criteria specified in BS8233, BS7385 and BS 6472 and the Guidance in World Health Organisation’s WHO (Noise) Guidance.
  • Rail noise impact assessment – assessment of the noise and vibration levels generated by commuter trains and freight trains at nearby developments will require assessment and it will normally be stipulated in planning notices by the Local Authority that noise and vibration levels must be assessed.
  • Occupational Noise and Vibration Measurement and Assessment – assessment of vibration exposure to Human beings caused by exposure to noisy environments, processes, and work activities, and also by Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) and Whole Body Vibration (WBV).
  • Human response to noise and vibration – involves evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz) in accordance with BS6472, and BS8233.
Contact us

Tel: 01229 871171
Mobile 07855 253 458

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